Thursday, October 11, 2012

Celebrating Copy Kids 10k FB Fans- 10 days of Flash Giveaways 10/11-10/21- CLOSED

Come party with us and celebrate as we congratulate our friends Copy Kids! 

Congratulations, Copy-Kids!!
We would like to throw a party in honor of our friends at Copy-Kids! Our party will consist of 10 Days of FLASH Giveaways to celebrate Copy-Kids' exciting milestone of reaching 10k Fb Fans! These AMAZING Brands & Bloggers have teamed up to offer you 10 days of prizes in our 10 DAYS of FLASH Giveaways Celebration hosted by Krazy Clippers, The Deals and More, & Koupon Krazed!!
We would like to THANK these Sponsors!!!
Here is how this Milestone Celebration Giveaway will work: there will be a new prize EACH DAY and a new winner chosen EVERYDAY!! So this means you can win more than one prize! Come back and enter EACH DAY!!!
  • The Prizes Include:
  • Today I ate a Rainbow Kit
  • Glimmer Candle Kit
  • (2) $16 Gift Certificates redeemable for a Lilla Rose Flexi-Clip
  • $20 Amazon Gift Card
  • Coupon Starter Pack - 5 Whole Inserts
  • $25 Bath & Body Works Gift Card
  • Silver Heart Pendant Necklace
  • Jolene: Adventures of a Junk Food Queen / children's book
  • Diamond Candle
  • Copy-Kids DVD & Rock N Rolla Doggy
We will begin at 10 pm ET on 10/11 - 11:59 pm ET on 10/21! Each day through out the duration of the giveaway, look for a NEW 24 hour FLASH to go live by 10 pm ET!!! Don't forget - a winner will be selected each day, and a new prize will be up for grabs!! So be sure to enter every day for chances to win multiple prizes! Open to US Residents. Enter Below & Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway br /> *Disclaimer for the Lilla Rose Gift Certificate Prize: The winner must not have won a Lilla Rose prize within the past six months.


  1. The last act of kindness someone did for me was bringing me an orphaned baby Grey Squirrel, and now we have a female for our one-year-old male. He's very happy now!

  2. My last act of kindness someone did for me was my daughters asking what more they can do to help out so mommy can rest with baby!

  3. An act of kindness that someone showed to you was a friend of mine seeing me and my family struggling on limited income and no transportation so she went out to shelters and gathered together food to help me feed my kids and husband. It's the most heart touching kindness anyone has shown me!

  4. Right after I had my son, the day we left the hospital (after 3 days and a c-section) my family went to Denny's. My hubby and I got on the subject of bills and finances. A kindly stranger overheard (so I assume) and when our check came, we were informed that it was already paid. The woman had left before we could thank her. The waiter said the woman was an alcoholic who had chose Denny's instead of the bar. I still tear up thinking of this and it was over two years ago. Whenever anyone asks about RAK's that I have received, I always tell this one no matter what, b/c I feel it is the only way I can honor that kind stranger who helped a new(ish) Mommy out.

  5. When I had my 2nd back surgery in May a lady from my church had a prayer quilt made for me. They hung it in the church and everyone from the church tied knots and said a prayer for me. They gave it to me the day before my surgery so I could take it with me to the hospital. I had no idea but I was so honored.

  6. I have a hard time getting around the house and my Honey always takes out the trash & recycling and even does some of his own laundry without being asked; sometimes he even washes the dishes without being asked. I do SO appreciate those things!!
    Elaine Sumner

  7. My daughter helped me when I was throwing up for 5 days she drove me to the Doctor,gave me a wash cloth and paper towels and stood by me and held my hair! I told her she didn't have to do this but thank you and she said mom you always do it for me. I have the best 15 year old!!

  8. My sister drove me to my doctor's appointment and then went in with me and asked questions and made sure we told the doctor everything we should. She was my advocate and my right hand. She knew I was in a lot of pain and needed somebody that day, and she was right there for me. She made sure we had coffee and donuts, since we got there early, and made my whole day so much easier.
    Elaine Sumner

  9. My online coupon group is full of Random act of kindness. We send each other surprises like wishlist coupons or items like stamps or small items like samples or stickers

  10. when my kids were little i did not have a car. we were at the dr's office waiting 4 the rain to stop so we could walk home. a lady handed me a $20. i said i cannot take your money. she said it is not my money it is gods. she gave me the money 4 a cab
    another time this restaurant was offering food at a really good price and the money was going to a local charity. me and 2 of my kids rode our bikes there. after i ordered and went to get my money out i had realized i had grabbed the wrong wallet. a guy who was there paid 4 our said it was 4 charity

  11. I was in pain when my friend came to visit today. She brought my mail in for me :)

  12. I have a painful disorder that makes some days difficult. When my husband notices its a bad day, He will clean-up the house, and have everything ready that I could possibly need for the baby that day. He is amazing.

  13. My boyfriend gives our baby a bath each night...with my fibromyalgia, it's pretty painful for me to be bent down low to the tub to bathe her. I appreciate this so much!

    brooke811 at ymail dot com

  14. I was at the store yesterday and all the lines were full of people with full carts. I only had 1 item and 2 people in the same line told me to go ahead of them because they both had full carts. It was awesome and so nice!
